Using Git's @{upstream} notation
One useful feature Git has had since 1.7.0 is the ability to refer to
the branch that another one is tracking using [branch]@{upstream}
notation. I've found this especially handy while working on projects
with multiple committers.
When working on projects with multiple committers, I usually set my
local copies of the integration branches to track the branch from the
canonical repository (which I typically have as the upstream
instead of tracking the copy of the integration branch from my fork of
the repository. By doing this I can quickly bring my local copy of
the tracking branch up to date with the canonical repository.
Updating the integration branch before merging a topic
% git checkout 2.7.x
% git fetch --all
Fetching origin
Fetching upstream
remote: Counting objects: 20, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Total 11 (delta 8), reused 7 (delta 4)
Unpacking objects: 100% (11/11), done.
From git://
45f0855..2fd94d2 2.7.x -> upstream/2.7.x
% git reset --hard 2.7.x@{upstream}
HEAD is now at 2fd94d2 Merge branch 'tickets/2.7.x/8119' into 2.7.x
Normally I don't use the 2.7.x@{upstream}
form, however. Instead, I
use @{u}
, which takes advantage of the shorter form, as well as
and @{upstream}
defaulting to the current branch if none is
specified. git reset --hard @{u}
is fairly easy to type, and
trivially aliased to use as a shortcut to make sure the integration
branch is up to date before merging.